Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Racial and Ethnic Differentials in Obese Children Thesis

Racial and Ethnic Differentials in Obese Children - Thesis Example As the discussion highlights no research has been able to prove clearly that racial and ethnic background of a person is a factor that causes overweight and obesity in people. Even though some researches have concluded that it is the racial and ethnic background of a person that causes obesity in him, the deeper look at those studies show that it is not the racial and the ethnic background, but the socioeconomic factors ‘associated’ with those racial and ethnic communities that lead to development of obesity in people. Hence, it can be concluded that it is the ‘socioeconomic status’ (SES) and the social factors related to minor races and ethnic communities in the US that causes the prevalence of obesity among people.This essay stresses that  the research conducted to study the role of racial and ethnic background on obesity trend among children has revealed that children from ‘all’ the races and ethnic background showed a trend of increase in weight with growing years.  In a research conducted to study the effect of family income on the development of overweight and obesity in children, it was found that income of family and biological and social factors in the environment play an important role in the development of obesity.  At the same time, this study revealed a very interesting thing about the racial and ethnic aspect of obesity.... Effect of SES The research conducted to study the role of racial and ethnic background on obesity trend among children has revealed that children from ‘all’ the races and ethnic background showed a trend of increase in weight with growing years (Freedman et al. 301). The only difference is that children from some ethnic background show more increase in obesity than children from other ethnic background. For example, over 30-year period, children belonging to White ethnic background showed an increase in prevalence of overweight from 4% to 13%, while children from Black ethnic background showed an increase from 4% to 30% (Freedman et al. 301). This shows that not only children and adults from Hispanic ethnic background but also children and adults from White ethnic background have a tendency towards overweight and obesity. Hence, it does not clearly prove the effect of race and ethnicity on obesity and overweight. Moreover, other studies have revealed that it is not the r ace and ethnicity of a child that causes obesity, but it is the SES factors ‘associated’ with certain race and ethnic backgrounds that causes obesity. In a research conducted to study the effect of family income on the development of overweight and obesity in children, it was found that income of family and biological and social factors in the environment play an important role in the development of obesity (â€Å"Childhood Overweight..† para.35). At the same time, this study revealed a very interesting thing about the racial and ethnic aspect of obesity. The study found that the BMI levels in the second generation of Mexican-American adults is high among those living in the US than among those living in Mexico (â€Å"Childhood Overweight..† para.33). Moreover, the prevalence and the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Article on Discipline Essay Example for Free

Article on Discipline Essay Discipline is not only necessary but also vital for any civilized society, as a matter of fact, discipline and Nature are synonymous with each other and whenever anything happens, which defies or interrupts the usual in Nature, it becomes a calamity, and similarly life without discipline can become chaotic. The term ‘discipline’ means any training intended to develop moral character or produce a particular pattern of behavior accepted by afferent institutions and society. Discipline is a way of life. It is vital in happing one’s personality. According to one school of thought, there are here forms of discipline i.e. expressionistic, impressionistic and self- discipline. If-discipline is usually considered to be the best form of discipline here in the term ‘discipline’ instead of standing as a rigid code of conduct obi strictly adhered to, denotes a process of normal growth and learning, of ways to monitor oneself. Self discipline is directly related to the concept of freedom and motivation. If a child is motivated and given the freedom to choose, discipline becomes a natural way of life. In modern times, discipline is misunderstood and misinterpreted by some students as rigid and fixed set of rules enforced by others and to be followed without any questions being asked. They feel it is encroachment of their freedom and rights. Discipline is not a term which is limited to institutions like schools and colleges only. Neither is it a weapon or tool in the hands of adults to control the younger generation or in other words seeking unquestionable compliance. Discipline is neither suppression nor a means to assert one’s authority rather it is intrinsic motivation in a person to control oneself, one’s emotion, and desires and live in a uniform and orderly manner. That everything in this universe has to follow certain rules, the Sun rises in the East’ and sets in the West, come what may, the cycle of seasons also follows a pattern, Night follows, dusk which follows day and dawn, thus, we humans are also governed by rules and following the same is another term for discipline. In schools, discipline can be exercised through the medium of morning assembly, time table, uniform, break, activities, various competitions and talk shows. An example of discipline is also the happening of activities in t he school premises in a particular order, right from promptness in reaching the school, wearing the prescribed uniform, abiding with the school rules, attending classes etc.  etc. When one learns to conform to a particular set of rules he understands the importance and need to follow a particular pattern in life and how veering away from them can make life difficult and confusing, All successful people understand the importance of discipline in their lives and enjoy the fruits of success. An undisciplined person is prone to temptations and can easily fall prey to a lifestyle which could lead to his failure and doom. Discipline, thus! is inevitable as it gives direction to live life in a harmonious, and orderly way.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Building A Computer :: essays research papers

Building a computer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Building a computer can be a useful skill in today's world. It allows you to help yourself get what you want and save some money. It's also becoming a good skill to have for work. You can help businesses build computers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first thing to do is to research what kind of computer you want. If you just want to write documents, you will probably need a less powerful computer. If you play games and/or design art you will want a more high-end computer. Once you have decided what kind of computer you want, you should look up prices on the Internet, ads, and local stores. A high-end will cost about $1200. You will save about $800 if you bought it from a company.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next step is buying the computer parts. You will need a CPU (processor), ram, a video card, a sound card, a modem, a floppy disk drive, a cd- rom, a monitor, a motherboard, a keyboard, a mouse, and a case(outside shell). You can purchase these items from the Internet, ads, and stores. The better products normally come from stores, but if you want a more low-end computer you can buy the parts from other places. It is important that you look at the compatibility of the parts in the computer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next step is putting the computer together. First you will need to put the mother board in it's proper places. Then you should put the floppy disk drive and the cd-rom in their designated area. You should then put the other parts on their proper place on the motherboard. You will then have to connect all the cords from the motherboard to the cd-rom, disk drive, and all other cords. After that you should turn your computer on and install your cd-rom from the software you got

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Baroque Art

Challenge II Baroque Art: What is it and why do we care about it? The Baroque is often thought of as a period of artistic style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, architecture, and music. The style began around 1600 in Rome, Italy and spread to most of Europe. It's defined as â€Å"a style of European architecture, music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries that followed mannerism and is characterized by ornate detail.In architecture the period is exemplified by the palace of Versailles and by the work of Bernie in Italy. Major composers include Vivaldi, Bach, and Handel; Carving and Rueben are important baroque artists. † (Being Dictionary) However, the word â€Å"baroque† seems to have a slight negative connotation-the original translations of this word include Italian for â€Å"tortuous medieval pedantry' and Portuguese for â€Å"deformed pearl. In other a ccounts, Baroque is associated with strange, bizarre, and spectacle. This is probably because of the art side of the baroque period: controversial artists such as Peter Paul Rueben captured voluptuous women on canvas in The Rape of Lucrative and The Rape of the Daughters of Leucosis, and Giant Lorenz Bernie in The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa. So why is all this this important to us? Well, despite being a bit provoking and over-extravagant, the baroque period was also beneficial.In addition to producing the earliest European music familiar to most of us, including Bachelor's Canon and Vivaldi The Four Seasons, the baroque era also greatly expanded our horizons. The acceptance of Copernicus 16th century theory that the planets didn't evolve around the earth made the universe a much larger place, while Galileo work helped us get better acquainted with the cosmos.The philosophical aspect of the baroque makes it important; and the vestiges of the era are still heard today in music- some of t he most influential and beloved compositions are regularly performed in concert halls, and snippets of Bach and Vivaldi frequently appear in the solos of heavy metal guitarists. Having long since shed its derogatory connotations, â€Å"baroque† is now simply a convenient catch-all for one of the richest and most diverse periods in music and art history. Baroque Art By perpendicular

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Greatest Fear

My biggest fear is something that keeps me up many a night. I have a fear of heights, of drowning and of several other tangible things. However, I believe that when confronted with those, I will probably be able to deal with them in some form or another (don't ask me how you deal with a fear of heights, but I will). This one that I consider to be my biggest is like a disease, something I haven't figured out how to deal with. The worst part is that I am not sure there even exists a solution to it.For me, the fear of nonperformance, the fear of failure, the fear of not living up to expectations (my own, more than anyone else's) is what I consider to be my biggest in life. I can attribute a lot of my personality traits and obsessive behaviors to this fear. It may be a convenient excuse, but without any other valid or obvious reasons, I would like to apportion a significant part of the blame to this fear!I think as the years have gone on and as I have moved from one job to another, from one country to another, the pressure has only mounted and the fear of not stepping up has only increased. I mean, you spend thousands of dollars on an education and then several more thousand on another†¦ All you expect is for that to pay off, for your skill set to broaden, for your knowledge base to widen and for you to only rise and grow in life. How can you not know the answer to something? How can you not be able to step up to a challenge or a question posed by someone? How can you not perform a certain job that you should have received the training for?And the funny part is that I never realized this until very recently†¦ until it was pointed out to me by a friend. I was grumbling about not enjoying my job (a fairly recurring theme these days) and my current role, and one of my closest mates from the MBA simply asked me, â€Å"Is it the job? Or is it your desire to be perfect and to expect to always want to outperform that is not making you like it?† And then I thought about it — yes, maybe he was right. Maybe I was expecting to know it all and to hit the ground running right from the outset; I thought I had the skill and knowledge to do it all and didn't want to take the intermediary learning step†¦ And when I didn't, I suddenly felt as though I was underperforming! I wasn't living up to  expectations†¦ And worst of all, I was failing! Fear realized, multiple sleepless nights followed.Having this fear may be a good thing (to some extent). It could also, however, be a bad thing, but it is something that has come to frame my thought process, my actions and my drive over time. I am thankful for it in many ways, and believe that I may not have done all that I have over the last several years without this sense of fear†¦ But now that I know, maybe it is time to develop a method of controlling it, of reining it in! Too much of something is never a good thing, right? Or at least that's what I was always told when I went to the fridge for more candy! Is there then another fear that surpasses the fear of failure?So, even though I call this my biggest fear, and admit to it being so, I ain't jumping off planes or climbing the Himalayas†¦ So for those who have tried to convince me to do some of these wacky things in the past, you may want to try again!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

True Addicts

True Addicts Yesterday I made an admonishing gesture to a friend who is still smoking a pack or more of cigarettes each day. Waving my finger at him in passing, I reflected on hissurprising outrage at being called an addict by one of our mutual acquaintances. A smoker myself for twenty years before giving up cigarettes, I certainly consider cigarette smokers addicts.Only an addict would go to such extraordinary lengths to obtain the source of his addiction. If, for example, I ran out of cigarettes, I would not stop seeking them until I was successful. I recall one Christmas I ran out of them and walked from one closed neighborhood store to another in South Philadelphia for over two and a half hours before finally finding an open convenience store on Broad street. The fact that I'd missed much of my family's celebration of the holiday was secondary to my craving for nicotine.Electronic Cigarette InhalationToo many times to remember I'd dress at two or three o'clock in the morning to obtain them. F ornothing else ever have I considered making such sacrifice or concession.Only an addict would continue to present himself publicly as a social pariah. I think it is fair to say that most non-smokers view smokers with some revulsion. Since cigarette smoke is unpleasant to non-smokers and its health consequences are now understood by everyone, it is clear that anyone who smokes around others is saying, inessence, "I don't care if my smoking sickens you" or "I don't really give a damn if what I'm doing kills you." Such perceptions by non-smokers can only negatively affect the social status of smokers. It's fairly common to hear people comment negatively about smokers these days. Words like "ignorant" and "disgusting" are ones often associated with cigarette smokers. I once...

Monday, October 21, 2019

American Immigration essays

American Immigration essays Every year, hundreds of thousands of immigrants, legal and illegal, from around the world, come into the United States. These immigrants have many different motivations; some enter the U.S. hoping to get a chance at a chance at a better life; others are refugees, escaping persecution and civil wars in their home country. Many of these people believe the United States is the best place to go. There is more freedom, protection, and benefits, which are important issues with to immigrants. However, the large number of immigrants is affecting the native-born citizens of the United States. Taxpayers are forced to pay for the welfare and schooling for many of these immigrants, some of who are illegal aliens. Some citizens believe that immigration can be hazardous to the environment, by putting a strain on already diminishing natural resources. Others blame crime, poverty, and overpopulation on immigration. About sixty-eight million immigrants have been added to the United States since 1970, and it is estimated that 130 million people will be added over the next fifty years. The government has tried to somewhat restrict immigration but, many believe, the laws are still too lenient. Nearly every other advanced country in the world is moving quickly towards a stabilized population or has already achieved it. The United States is moving towards this very slowly. This country would have to reduce immigration to 255,000 a year to accomplish this task (Beck 1). If nothing is done to stabilize the immigration to in the U.S., many believe the population will continue to grow even faster - not due to births, but to massive the immigration to the country. Immigration could become an even more serious problem in the U.S. if the government does not produce stricter laws. The government must restrict immigration laws in order to prevent the overpopulation of the United States. Immigration has been affecting America's population for over two hundred years. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A School Principals Recommendation Letter for a Teacher

A School Principal's Recommendation Letter for a Teacher SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips According to the State Department of Education, there were 24 applicants for every one teaching position in Connecticut last year! Teaching's a competitive field, so a stand-out letter of recommendation can go a long way. In the sample letter below, a principal recommends an art teacher applying to another school due to budget cuts. Check out what the principal has to say about this teacher, and then read on for an analysis of what this letter does well. Sample Letter #2: Written by a Principal for a Teacher Mr. Henry NicholsSchool PrincipalCityville Middle School1 School RoadCityville, NJ 08008 Dear Principal Nichols, It’s my honor and pleasure to provide this letter of recommendation for Julia as she pursues an art teaching position with Cityville Middle School. As the principal of Townston Middle School, I’ve enjoyed having Julia on the teaching team for grades 6 through 8. We’ll all miss her and her contributions to our school community. Unfortunately, budgetary restrictions have forced us to reduce the art teaching faculty, and as the most recent hire, Julia will no longer have a position with us next year. This decision in no way reflects on her skills, and I wholeheartedly endorse her candidacy as she seeks a position elsewhere. It’s my wish that she finds a school with the resources to support her talent for teaching art. Julia started her teaching career with us fresh out of graduate school two years ago. She brought with her a solid training in pedagogical methods and art history, along with great energy and enthusiasm. She introduced several new projects that are now a part of the curriculum, including a self-portrait assignment that asks students to reflect on their identities, a stop-motion animation project using clay and iPads, and a papier-mache â€Å"sled challenge† that resulted in fun races down the hill beside the school. Julia also contributed to the â€Å"3D Printer Build-a-Thon,† a weekend-long event during which students, educators, and community members came together to assemble over 20 3D printers. Julia brings exciting new ideas to life; I’m confident that she will continue her momentum with her next school. Julia also impressed me with her commitment to lifelong learning. She successfully collaborated with her mentor, took advantage of several professional development opportunities offered in the district, and took classes on digital technology and special education over the last two summers. She also went out of her way to elicit feedback from her students, inviting them to share their experiences at the end of each semester. It’s this commitment to growth and her students’ well-being that makes Julia an outstanding educator who empowers her pupils. Julia is charismatic and creative, and she thinks outside the box. She has shown excellent classroom management skills and developed a rapport with students, colleagues, and parents that is characterized by mutual respect. At the end of last year, I had a parent come to me specifically to praise Julia's teaching and the impact she's had on her son. Beyond her strengths as an art teacher, Julia’s also a talented artist and has some of her oil and acrylic paintings displayed in a nearby gallery. Julia has my highest recommendation for the position of art instructor, and I look forward to learning more about the accomplishments that lie in her professional future. If the circumstances were different, I would strive to retain Julia on our art department teaching team. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any further information. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Elsa SkoolsSchool PrincipalTownston Middle 8-5546 Will this letter convince Principal Nichols to make room for Julia and her paintbrushes? Recommendation Letter #2: The Breakdown Like the first sample, this recommendation letter represents a common relationship between letter writer and candidate. It starts out with a strong statement of support with, â€Å"It’s my honor and pleasure to provide this letter.† This statement is then quickly followed by an explanation of who the letter writer is, thereby showing why she’s qualified to recommend Julia. Principal Skools explains why Julia’s applying elsewhere and makes sure to state that she would retain her on the teaching team if the budget allowed. She goes on to describe Julia’s contributions with specific examples of projects she introduced and community events to which she contributed. The writer uses highly positive language to describe Julia, calling her creative, energetic, and committed to continuous improvement. She also touches on her personal talents as an artist. The letter’s structured to describe three main points: Julia’s accomplishments at the school, her commitment to learning and improvement, and her relationships with teachers, parents, and colleagues. In her glowing endorsement, Principal Skools gives specific examples of the achievements Julia'smade and will continue to make in her next art teaching position. What's Next? What experience do you need to become a teacher in the first place? Find out what degree you do (or don't) need to teach in this article. On to the next! Click here to read our third recommendation letter sample written by a restaurant manager for a part-time employee. Are you looking for a different type of sample letter? Head back to our original recommendation letter guide to find more samples and learn about the key features of outstanding reference letters. Want to provide a strong recommendation for your employee, but don't have the time to craft the perfect letter? PrepScholar's new recommendation tool, SimpleRec, takes you from good intentions and a blank page to a fully written and formatted letter of recommendation in under 5 minutes. All you need to do is give us some simple pieces of information about your employee and your experience working with them, and we'll do the rest. Try out SimpleRec risk-free today:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business Crime Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Crime - Case Study Example Before proceeding to the topic of Christies Ltd. and business crime, it is important to understand how and why the Theft Act 1968 came into existence. This Act was original for it was the first British legislation, which the dealings of criminal law accessible to all citizens and not just limited to attorneys. An article from (2001) tells this history: Before 1968, theft and other, similar, offences were governed by a mass of conflicting legislation and common law and was over-complex. Before 1968, if 'ownership' passed by means of deception, the offence was 'obtaining by false pretences'. If 'possession' was passed, the offence was 'larcency by a trick'. Other offences existed, including 'larcency by a servant', 'fraudulent conversion' and 'embezzlement'. It had reached the point where it was harder to discover which crime the accused may have committed rather than whether or not the accused was guilty. The 1968 Theft Act, as well as the 1971 Criminal Damage Act, did much to overcome this problem. All previous theft legislation and common law were overruled, resulting in the creation of the first codified definition of law in England and Wales.... codified definition of law in England and Wales. Understanding the history of the Act allows one to understand why it was and still is needed. Now we shall begin the discussion of Christies Ltd. The situations at hand and the topic of this piece of writing are now presented: Business Crime--Christies Ltd 4 Phil Jackson has approached David asking for a higher salary, as he believes he is underpaid. David refuses. Phil then decides to augment his salary in a number of ways:(A) Phil decides to open a flower stall at the weekend. He obtains a large selection of daffodils and tulips from the roadside and aims to sell these at 2 per bunch.(B) Phil decides to go for a drive through the countryside. He sees anunattended pick up truck loaded with live wild pheasants. Phildecides to put these into his own vehicle, intending to sell them to a local butcher.(C) Phil decides to enter the safe of Christies Ltd and look at the plans for a new "HyperScoop". He draws the design of the scoop andoffers it for sale to Scooperman Ltd, a direct competitor ofChristies Ltd. The Theft Act 1968 lists the basic definition of the word theft. According to this Act, a person is guilty of theft if "he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it; and 'theft' and 'steal shall be construed accordingly". Let us look at the term "permanently depriving" more closely in order to gain abetter understanding of theft and dishonesty. Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary(1984) defines the word permanently as "lasting

Revitalizing Health and Safety and its effect on the Construction Essay

Revitalizing Health and Safety and its effect on the Construction Industry - Essay Example In order to carry out this study whether there exists a need to change the law already in place, a committee was formed and the people resorted to getting answers on various topics from willing respondents. All these inputs were taken and the same was assimilated and analyzed to give below the results. Health and Safety is looked at as a part of the work and many people seem to lack awareness of H&S. This is happening because H&S is more an employer's obligation to fit into the governmental regulation rather than looked at as a means to achieve better and safer productive levels. While the law looked at providing norms that the employers need to adopt to ensure the safety and health of their employees, it was not proactive to the lacunae that existed in the system. The work place has under gone considerable change and so has the working methodology. From a more manufacturing oriented environment we have moved a service oriented environment. Now, it was widely felt by the members of the public and the others that the following points also need to be considered while bringing in new impetus to the Health and Safety at Work Place. The construction industry is having a high rate of accident resulting in both fatal and serious injuries. Though the Construction Design and Management Regulations have brought in a design consideration that would imbibe

Friday, October 18, 2019

Interpreting the Bible Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Interpreting the Bible - Assignment Example excluded; chapters and verses were incorporated later in the medieval age; the present Revised Standard Version is the end result of several translations; translations are influenced by cultural differences, and changing languages and cultural values. There are no universally accepted, impeccable authorities to the interpretation of the Bible. Because of the factors listed above, and mainly because it is not an original source, the Bible cannot be taken at face value. As all versions of the Bible are translations, or revisions of earlier translations, total objectivity, and accuracy of the information presented, cannot be taken for granted. Each individual must make a decision, based on personal faith, and intellectual dictates, on what guides to adopt towards the interpretation. Interpretation of the Bible is unavoidable, and is largely based on personal choice. This choice can be an informed choice, taking into consideration all the implications of translation. There can be no absolutely dependable authorities in Biblical

Sarah Palin and MSNBC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sarah Palin and MSNBC - Essay Example About Sarah Palin Sarah Palin is a famous politician, author and commentator in America. She was born on 11 February, 1964 in Sandpoint, Idaho. Palin has two sisters and a brother. Shortly after Palin’s birth, the whole family shifted from Idaho to Alaska. Her father was a science teacher and her mother was a school secretary. Thus, affiliation with education was inherent in the familial culture in which Palin was brought up. Palin went to the Wasilla High School. In addition to being an exceptional academic student, Palin served in the girls’ cross country running teams and was also the Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ head in the school. She earned the title Sarah Barracuda as a result of her exemplary performance in the basketball team as the point-guard and the co-captain. Her contribution led the team to winning the Alaska state championship in 1982. In 1992, Palin was selected in the Wasilla City Council. About four years later, in 1996, Palin was made the mayor of Wasilla. Palin made an attempt to become the lieutenant governor in 2003, but ended up becoming the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission’s chairman. This firm assumed the role of the protector of the gas and oil fields in the state. Palin is the first Republican woman to be deemed eligible for the vide-presidency and is also the first Alaskan that made use of a major party’s national ticket in 2008, when Palin was nominated for the post of vice-presidency from the Republican Party. Palin resigned from the governorship in July 2009 after which, she launched a campaign in favor of the Tea Party Movement. Since the start of 2010, Palin has been commenting upon the politics from the platform of the Fix News and has been hosting the Sarah Palin’s Alaska show on the television. The fact that the number of viewers of the first episode of her show exceeded five million was an addition to her already lengthy list of records. The Learning Channel had never seen this volume of audiences before this show. Sarah Palin’s Involvement with MSNBC MSNBC is a US-based cable news channel which is projected in several countries including US, Canada, South Africa, Middle East and Germany. The name MSNBC is a combination of Microsoft and NBC, which reflects the joint venture of Microsoft and the NBC unit of the General Electric. This joint venture took place with the establishment of MSNBC in 1996. Originally an insignia of the partnership between Microsoft and NBC, share of Microsoft kept reducing until NBC gained almost complete hold over the news channel. MSNBC has been addicted to Sarah Palin for a long time. Palin’s overrepresentation in the media can partly be attributed to the fact that about two years ago in the Republican presidential ticket, the Alaska governor displayed an electrifying emergence. Although Palin was neither a public official in those days nor was a candidate any more, yet the journalists noticed that any r eport that included her name got listed amongst the most-viewed reports. â€Å"Palin, feeding this co-dependency and indulging the news business's endless desire for conflict, tweeted provocative nuggets that would help us keep her in the public eye -- so much so that this former vice presidential candidate gets far more coverage than the actual vice president† (Milbank, 2011). With the departure of Keith Olbermann, it is expected that MSNBC’

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Network Load Balancing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Network Load Balancing - Essay Example The high availability is achieved by early detection of host failures and re-distributing their workload to other cluster hosts. Thus, failure of one host does not affect the services. Users would still feel as if they are being served by the same server despite of the fault. The downtime is thus, eliminated. This is the default mode in which all the cluster servers are given the same MAC address (Cisco, 2009). Thus, each packet (addressed to this MAC address) reaches all the cluster servers. Even if one server is unavailable or cannot process the request due to workload, another server will reply to the data packet. One problem with unicast mode is that if all servers are assigned the same MAC address and are connected to the same switch, the switch will be unable to identify the destination (due to same address of all servers). It is not possible to have two ports on same switch with same MAC address. The unicast mode addresses this problem with MAC address masking. The MAC address of each server is masked with a bogus MAC. So when the switch relays a packet, the NLB array decodes the masked address and then transfers the packet to destination (Cisco, 2009).

What impact has the evolution of social media had on our society in Essay

What impact has the evolution of social media had on our society in regards to the products we buy and how we receive information - Essay Example These impacts are in regard to the products bought and how information is received.Consequently, it will discuss the influence that social media has on the decisions that people make. The elements of social media are digital objects. They vary in sizes and are of different types. Twitter post also known as tweets have a limitation of up to 40 characters, while email messages are only a few lines of a few paragraphs in length. The variation in sizes causes dramatic patterns of interaction.MediaWiki, gives support to six levels of headers and automatically generates a table of contents, easing the creation of large pages. Social media have developed around a significant kind of a digital object. These objects include You Tube videos, Flickr photos, bookmarks at delicious, books on Amazon, music or podcast at iTunes, TV shows at Hulu, and people at facebook.Tweet at twitter, messages at discussion forums or email lists, pages at Wikipedia, products at eBay, presentations at Slide Share, 3D objects in Second life, and career professionals at LinkedIn are also some of the digital objects (Hansen, Shneiderman and Smith 15). Social media provide avenues for people to take part in presenting their identity themselves (Al-deen and Hendricks 4).There is a great difference between online social interactions and one on one interaction in offline social networks. They offer avenues for expressing minimal restrictions. Those, that use online social networks, can give their views and ideas quite freely than in conversing one on one. The internet has improved buying and purchase power and reduced costs, reduced the barriers to enter markets, increased competition on a globally and reduced intermediation. The Internet has made every company regardless of its location easy to enter the competitive market. The internet has made it easy and less costly to advertise and for various firms to connect with their suppliers and customers (Muller 2).Users go to social media to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Network Load Balancing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Network Load Balancing - Essay Example The high availability is achieved by early detection of host failures and re-distributing their workload to other cluster hosts. Thus, failure of one host does not affect the services. Users would still feel as if they are being served by the same server despite of the fault. The downtime is thus, eliminated. This is the default mode in which all the cluster servers are given the same MAC address (Cisco, 2009). Thus, each packet (addressed to this MAC address) reaches all the cluster servers. Even if one server is unavailable or cannot process the request due to workload, another server will reply to the data packet. One problem with unicast mode is that if all servers are assigned the same MAC address and are connected to the same switch, the switch will be unable to identify the destination (due to same address of all servers). It is not possible to have two ports on same switch with same MAC address. The unicast mode addresses this problem with MAC address masking. The MAC address of each server is masked with a bogus MAC. So when the switch relays a packet, the NLB array decodes the masked address and then transfers the packet to destination (Cisco, 2009).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Entrepreneurs Journey Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Entrepreneurs Journey - Case Study Example Simi sought various interventions and methodologies to achieve to achieve her goals. This paper seeks to discuss various entrepreneurial challenges encountered in setting up a business by critically evaluating a case study. Simi’s case is a classic example of contemporary issues facing entrepreneurial endeavors that individuals face in their quests to set businesses in various regions of the world. Simi sought to establish and launch her business idea in Lagos, Nigeria her country of birth and origin. The most significant issue encountered by this entrepreneur is her gender as a woman, which bestows her added responsibility of bearing and rearing children for her family. This is compounded by her career aspirations, personal goals and dreams which she ultimately wants to achieve in a timely manner. This aspect requires appropriate and smart career planning and considerate decision making accompanied by relevant choices. Career planning should be focused the implementation of s trategic career objectives that are accommodative of an individual’s other commitments with their family. ... As a developing country, Nigeria presents myriad off challenges to any budding entrepreneur irrespective of their gender. Cultural perspectives towards women in Nigeria are totally different from those held in the United States, and Simi should have experienced a culture shock during the initial stages of her business. According to Simi, her education set her apart from a majority of women she sought to provide services to through her company. This meant that her entrepreneurial perspectives and attitudes were different from those of her potential clients she sought to recruit. This formed part of her marketing problems in a new business environment with different challenges that she had not envisaged. 2hats Network LLC was faced with operational problems in the sense that it had already started operating and functioning in the US with ongoing contracts during its intended relocation to its originally intended location. This created logistical challenges for the company, which risked losing critical contracts that were the financial lifelines of the new company. Strategic problems also bedeviled the company because of the drastic dynamism the company was bound to go through in the new business environment. Financial support for the company was entirely reliant on personal contribution because their new business environment lacked financial support for emerging entrepreneurs. Market access was another challenge that 2Hats had to contend with in its initial foray into the Nigerian market. Critical analysis of entrepreneurial activities requires both qualitative and quantitative analytical methods in order to achieve well-rounded, clear and objective inferences and solutions. There exist two approaches to a successful critical

Monday, October 14, 2019

Public Honor vs. internal virtue Essay Example for Free

Public Honor vs. internal virtue Essay History has presented two different types of honor that have both been highly acceptable in their respective cultures. Christianity and the Bible put a great deal of emphasis on personal virtue, where one worries about themselves and not really anything else. This is in direct contrast to other cultures, however, where public virtue is a much more important part of society. In the play Julius Caesar, society rewards people who keep the whole in mind as opposed to keeping self in the most important place. The clash between public virtue and internal virtue is one that has created a personal struggle for many men in both of these societies, as well as in today’s society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the Bible, those who followed Jesus Christ were urged to practice personal virtue, as opposed to overall public virtue. Even Jesus himself was a living example of this. He was known to go against the flow and in fact, that is what eventually got him crucified. He went through his life preaching his principles, which directly clashed with what the religious elders were telling people at the time. This goes against public virtue, because it caused a ruckus within society and shook up the order that was currently working in society. That was unimportant to Jesus Christ, though, as his main focus was on internal purity as opposed to looking out for the greater good. Still, his work did go towards the greater good, though. That is the interesting paradox that exists within this example. Though Christ’s primary focus was on internal virtue, the overall body of his work was highly focused on public virtue. This could not be evaluated until his work on earth was finished, though, as from the surface, it appeared that Christ was a divider, instead of a person who brought people together for the pursuit of a great good.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A direct clash can be found if one looks at a story like Julius Caesar. Caesar was a leader that was loved by the majority of his people for the majority of his time in office. Eventually, he had to be taken down, though. He was not doing things as the leader of Rome that needed to be done in order to ensure that the people of that area had a fair shake. Because they knew this, the members of the Roman Senate like Brutus and Marc Anthony took it upon themselves to take action. They did not focus on doing the thing that was â€Å"right†, in regards to their own personal virtue. Instead, they threw aside those personal considerations in order to do something for the greater good of society at large. They assassinated Caesar in the most brutal manner possible in order to protect the people of Rome. In the time of Jesus, this would have been looked upon with a great deal of disgust, even though they were actually doing something good for society. Since they would have committed a personal wrong, basic Christian values would not have looked kindly upon their actions. In Roman society, where public virtue was given precedence over internal virtue, they were heroes, though. Brutus was a murderer by definition, but history looks upon him as a sympathetic and heroic figure. This speaks primarily to the differences in philosophy that existed during the two eras.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These two examples are important to understanding the clash that existed between the two ideas. For the most part, each era of time allows for only one of these theories when it comes to judging major events. It is very difficult for people to keep their internal virtue, while also doing something that exhibits public virtue. Instead, a choice must be made between the two. People must decide if they want to keep their own internal sanctity or do that which will benefit society at large. In the case of Jesus Christ, the internal virtue overcame any consideration of public virtue because the teachings of the Bible made it that way. The time of Julius Caesar and Brutus was ruled by a different code, so history looks kindly on his actions in their scope. This interesting paradox clearly shows how different societies view different actions in regards to their moral â€Å"goodness†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Internal virtue and public virtue are two very different ideas that were accepted in two very different times. Today’s society seems to have an understanding for both, whereas other times would only allow for one or the other. Today, respect can be found for people who keep the greater good in mind when they take action. By contrast, those people who do what is right for themselves seem to get places in today’s society, as well. The clash between the two is not nearly as strong or nearly as distinct today as it once was. Still, there are times when people have to make a choice between the two types of virtue and in those times, the choice can dictate how history views their action.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Wuthering Heights Essay - Is Heathcliff truly evil? -- English Literat

Wuthering Heights Essay - Is Heathcliff truly evil? I think with the modern understanding of the way childhood affects one's whole perception of life and the world, we would be arrogant to call Heathcliff evil. Without a doubt Heathcliff is an anomaly. Lockwood initially describes him as "a dark skinned gypsy in aspect, in dress and manners a gentleman". The first view we have of heathcliff is as dark, handsome, gentlemanly and morose. These qualities, coupled with his 'Lord of the manner' apparel may invoke in the reader popular evil characters such as 'Count Dracula'. We must investigate deeper the moody and mysterious Heatchliff in order to answer our question. In Nelly Dean's story, Mr. Earnshaw brings back a "dirty, ragged, black haired child" found abandoned. Although his origin remains mysterious, we can guess that it was not good. It also seems that he learned to manipulate the family early on. "Conscious he had only to speak and all the house would be obliged to bend to all his wishes" Nelly Dean says. We know now what sorts of behaviours are exhibited ...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Job - Character Analysis :: essays research papers

Job was a man who was perfect (not sinless) and upright, one that feared God and turned away from evil. Job is a perfect example of universal suffering, why those are good suffer along with the individuals who are called bad. Job was a man who God had allowed to obtain riches and fame. He had all of the finer things in life. Satan knew this, and wanted to bring sorrow and pain into Job’s life for the main purpose of showing God that these were the reasons Job was so faithful. Satan was wrong as always. Job understood that it is the Lord that gives and takes away, for Job said, â€Å"blessed be the Lord.† The book of Job was written to instruct us, to rebuke and correct us, and perhaps to prepare us to handle the hardships of life, the experiences of bereavement, loss, and grief at a level that man could never hope to achieve. Job is a book about a man who believed in God, a believer who was badly advised by three friends who were ill equipped to counsel, and had no grasp of the spiritual realities that God teaches. God permits suffering in the life of the believer in order to strengthen his faith. It is precisely when the hedges are moved from around us that we find ourselves depending upon God. The more we are deprived of the temporal supports for our earthly happiness, the more we are driven to the Lord for our comfort. This is why Job was chosen. Because of his completely undeserved suffering, his steadfastness in faith, and his complete submission to God, Job received the honor of becoming a chief figure in the Bible (Psalm 23, Hebrews 12:11, James 5:11). God’s ways are often beyond our understanding because we view the issues of life from a limited earthly perspective. God’s viewpoint is from above, he sees all things from the standpoint of

Friday, October 11, 2019

Epidemiology : History on Thomas Sydenham

Background of Thomas Sydenham (Father of Clinical Observation) Name: Thomas Sydenham Date of Birth: 10 December 1624 Place of Birth: Wynford Eagle Education: * Commenced the study of medicine at Magdalene Hall, Oxford in 1642 * After 2 months interrupted his studies to participate in the civil war on the parliamentary side * He returned to the university in 1645 to enter Wadham College to become a physician * Received his Bachelor of Medicine in 1648 * Studied with Christopher Wren about natural scientists conducting physiological experiment at Oxford Achievement: Become a â€Å"Captain Sydenham† at the first civil war in 1654 * Married with Mary Gee (1654) * Nominated to Parliament in 1659 (but not elected) * Become a licentiate of the Royal College of Physician * Received a doctorate from Pembroke College, Cambridge (1676) Year of Death: 1689 Cause of death: Gout and Renal disease (left three sons: William (also a physician), Henry and James) Contribution of Thomas Sydenham to the Medic World It was in London in the middle of the 1650’s Thomas Sydenham began his exacting studies of epidemics. There was much contribution that has been made by him during his studies about epidemics.The contribution that he had been made was: * Form the basic book on fever on 1666 * Observationes Medicae a standard textbook for two centuries on 1676 * Presented the theory of an epidemic constitution, Eg. Conditions in the environment which cause the occurrence of acute diseases (1683) * He noted the link between fleas and typhus fever * Introduced opium into medical practice and was the first to use iron-deficiency anaemia * Treatment fever with fresh air and cooling drink was an improvement on the sweating methods previously employed * Moderate treatment of smallpox by using cinchona â€Å"Sydenham’s chorea† aka. St Vitus Dance * Differentiation between gout and rheumatism, scarlet fever and measles, malaria and other fever, and chorea and St Vitus D ance * Write a description about dysentery, pneumonia, mental disease, tuberculosis, influenza, trigeminal neuralgia, croup and syphilis There are some of observation that was a Thomas Sydenham’s contribution has been revolutionized by medical practice in 17th century there are: * Discovery of circulation by Harvey* A philosophy of science by Bacon Disease by Ramazzini * Microscopic revelation by Malpighi and Leewnhoek Philosophy, concept, theory and any thought by Thomas Sydenham One of the famous Thomas Sydenham’s theories is Sydenham’s chorea and also known as St. Vitus Dance. Discovery by him on 17th century. Sydenham’s chorea Definition: The disease that characterized by rapid or uncoordinated jerking movement affecting primarily the face, feet and hand. Causes: * Cerebra vascular accidents * Collegen vascular disease * Drugs intoxication * Hyperthyroidism Wilson’s disease * Huntington’s disease * Infectious disease Treatment: * Penicil lin * Behavioral and emotional changes may precede the movement disorders * Haloperidol, pimozide, clonidine * Treatment with steroids One of famous philosophy by Thomas Sydenham: â€Å"A disease, however much its causes may be adverse to the human body, is nothing more than an effort of Nature, who strives with might and main to restore the health of the patient by the elimination of the morbid humor† Medical Observation, section 1, chapter 1.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Literature and Language Essay

The word explication takes its form from the verb explicate, meaning to â€Å"unfold† the meaning of an ideas as to make clear the significance of it. Literary criticism also makes use of explication, which is termed as explication de texte. The meaning of a certain text (whether a poem, novel or play) is unfolded by line-by-line or chapter-by-chapter commentary of the text. This thorough interpretation of the text makes the understanding of it as subjective as possible. Analysis, on the other hand, is the process of fragmenting an intricate idea into smaller more cognizant parts to gain a better understanding of the idea. The difference between analysis and explication is on where the probe of the idea starts. In explication, the parts are studied to gain an understanding of the entirety of the idea; whereas in analysis, the whole of the idea is probed and divided into more understandable parts. In writing about a poem, it is best to use explication de texte because the meaning of the totality of the text lies in the interpretation of each line of the poem. Only then if each one of the line is scrutinized will the meaning of the poem will be understood. Contrariwise, in writing about a short story, it is better to utilize analysis. There is a certain unfolding of events that happen within the text and would only culminate towards the ending. Therefore, the entirety of the text should be first read, only then could the small details of the story could be further scrutinized to gain a fresher and more detailed understanding of the story as a whole. It is important to know which type of literary tool should be used to explore a certain text. A different interpretation may be concluded depending on whether explication or analysis is used. Work Cited: Franklin, P. (2006). Conjectures on Explication. US: Chicago Press.

Eagle Scout Essay

  Hello everybody. To start off I would like to say thank you to everyone here for coming, because if it wasn’t for all of you this day wouldn’t be so special. I would like to give a special thanks to my parents for getting me involved in boy scouts, mr.mac, mr.beteyyman, mr.deangles, and all the other leaders for leading my troop, and the scouts that helped me complete my Eagle Scout project. From the start to the end boy Scouts has shaped me as the person that I am today, and without Boy Scouts I wouldn’t be the person that I am. Not knowing where Scouting would lead me, I joined the troop due to many interests such as having fun. It all started when I was about 7 years old and walked into the elks lodge to have my first meeting as a tiger scout. From tiger scouts on I decided that I really liked the scouting experience and would continue on the whole journey. Racing boats in the rain gutter regatta, and racing cars in the pine wood derby were just a few of t he events early on. Time had passed earning belt loops, camping some, and learning wilderness survival tips, and before I knew it Webloes 2 was completed and I had a decision to make. I decided that I would cross over to boy Scouts and shoot for the goal of my Eagle Scout. Anxiously waiting at the table for my name to called, a member from the order of the arrow dressed up as an American Indian came over to me and walked me to the front of the building and over the bridge. I was then welcomed by the boy Scouts and given a troop 2540 handkerchief and hat. I decided that I would be one of the kids to go to all the meeting, trips, and scouting events.   One of my very first memories was the camping trip to rickets Glenn in Pennsylvania. The scenery of waterfalls and hiking through the wilderness hit me immediately that I loved the idea of camping and couldn’t wait to go on the next trip. As time progressed learning how to cook, pitch tents, tie knots, first aid, and physical fitness, I was moving through the ranks very quickly. Some events such as community service taught me to always give back to the community, and to take leadership roles in the troop showed me how to be a good leaders and not a follower. My most memorable camping trips were the 2 out of the 4 high adventure trips that I completed. The National Jamboree in Arlington Virginia celebrated the 100 years of scouting, and the most memorable part of this trip was getting Shaun Whites autograph. Hiking through the wilderness at Philmont Scout Reservation was an amazing espicially hiking up mt.baldy and catching mini bears in our bear bags to  pass time at cam p. Boy Scouts has meant so much to me and has helped me discover what I like to do through the 27 merit badges that I earned over the years. Getting my eagle scout was a long and memorable journey and has helped me become who I am today. Thank you

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Critically evaluate the above statement, referring to the case law of Essay

Critically evaluate the above statement, referring to the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, that of the national courts in the UK, and two other Member States - Essay Example The central issue circles around the interpersonal relationship between the European Court of Justice and the national courts related to supremacy claim over the national law that is embedded in the ECJ’s jurisdiction. At the base level, clashes between the community laws along with the national law are readily apparent. It has also been observed that according to the ECJ, it has decided that the law associated with the European Community (EC) must be supreme related to any kind of conflict that might arise in the decisions of the community and the national courts. On the basis of the new regulations, it has been observed that the principle of ECJ’s supremacy over the rulings of the national courts has been well recognised in the case of Costa v. ENEL among others2. This study intends to discuss the relevant gaps between the decisions of the European Court of Justice and the national courts. The presented views include the internal authority of the EU law that essential ly places the national constitutions and the EU legal order on a collision course. ECJ had been established in the year 1952 with a view to mitigate the three roles that are associated with the member states that frame the part of the European Community (EC). One of the three major roles includes laying a constant check upon the EC’s legislative and the executive bodies. Another key role depicts clarifying along with interpreting the indefinite EC’s law. The last vital role entails the implementation of non-compliance of the EC jurisdiction by the member States3. The development of the jurisdiction under the ‘European Legal System’ has enabled to enlighten certain flaws associated with the system. It has been observed that the member States have apparently supported the ‘European Legal System’. Member States have readily passed on the authority to the ECJ for carrying out the judicial

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Data and knowledge management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Data and knowledge management - Assignment Example Most important work for the data manager is to make the data available for the management as it is required. Other than the knowledge and skills requirement, the personality of the applicant should be such that he/she is more committed towards problem solving, result oriented and has an eye for detail. The data manager can be required on an off hour basis depending upon the nature of problem. These are some of the basic roles required of a database manager. Some of the differences found after reviewing several job descriptions are that the job description of database manager is changing from organization to organization as it depends upon on what kind of data needs to be saved and managed. For instance, database manger required in a bank must preferably be having an investment banking support experience other than the basic IT knowledge and skills required and he must be aware of the banking rules, regulations and the way banks work. He must also be aware of the database environments in accordance with the banking standards. Likewise database manager required in a school must be having a familiarity with the school system other than having technical knowledge required which is a must for this job. Where the job is financial advisory side there, communication and presentation skills have been given more weight age as it requires an ability to convince other people to accept their business proposal. Another very important difference seen is that in some job descriptions it is required of the candidate to work independently while in others he is required to assist others and seek help from others. The salary structure is not given along with the posting of jobs. However, it is mentioned that the salary would be competitive along with perks. The average salary for this position is USA is USD sixty eight thousands per year. However, people having more experience have a higher

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Interim Report for an action research Assignment

Interim Report for an action research - Assignment Example How does learning Arabic impact their education and life outcomes? The third purpose of the action research has to do with the ways that I can personally improve the process of teaching Arabic as a second language to students who are not native speakers of Arabic. The key data observation method is observation from the field, with my classroom as the field of observation, and my students and myself as the subjects of the study, relative to the learning and teaching of Arabic as a second language to non-native speakers. From the observations with another teacher of the Arabic language, Qassem, I am able to find out that there are several shortcomings at present with regard to the way we teach Arabic as a second language. These shortcomings are not failures in themselves, but are areas for improvement, derived from daily experience. These observations have led me to craft a new teaching method that I will call â€Å"correct me†. The details of that new and evolving teaching technique follow in the next section. The new technique hopefully is able to cover Arabic language learning in its various aspects: reading, speaking, writing and listening. The â€Å"Correct Me† teaching method is straightforward, but involves a keen interest in student learning, and an alert presence. At the heart of it is an intent listening and a willingness to give oneself to the students so that they may learn. This technique has two aspects. One aspect involves me making real-time corrections to student mistakes in speaking and writing Arabic. The technique involves an alert presence so that the teacher is able to spot mistakes. The second aspect involves students forming groups, and being present to one another as they converse and write in Arabic, correcting their peers as they make mistakes. For feedback, my intention is to survey students at the end of a class to find out how they find this new teaching technique: if they like it, if they are benefitting from it, and what

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Winning a Lottery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Winning a Lottery - Essay Example The article's headline says, "Artist Wins Million." Included a picture of your surrounded by your family and friends. Everyone in the picture was smiling. But, the reality is different. With the help of this letter, I want to tell you some negative effects of sudden wealth. But my message is very clear that sudden wealth can bring nothing but unhappiness. It may directly effect on your personality, relationships, and lifestyle.Winning a lottery will create a sense of isolationism and you will be separated from friends and family. This could happen if the winner like you relocated into a new setting; therefore, it will disconnect you from your friends and family. As, what, I have recently experienced in my life. You could furthermore appeal new family and associates who could be characterized as being 'false' as their concerns are in the cash and not in your friendship. For example, there have been normal situations of distant or estranged relations abruptly and unexpectantly seeming out of the azure when hearing of a family member's latest fortunes. Eventually the one-by-one may not be adept to differentiate their authentic associates from the 'false' ones. They may then isolate themselves from all of them or just accept the realization that some of their associates are only actually involved in what the victor can do for them and not the victor themselves. Drastic change is abnormal and thus the one-by-one may not be adept ... There may furthermore be too much force on the individual. There are family constituents, associates as well as economic advisors, all of who have inconsistent and vying interests. This can lead to stress and tension as well as a lesson dilemma for the one-by-one as a outcome of them having to conclude between who they should hear to and take recommendations from. This could finally manifest itself into a pattern of guilt and hostility in the direction of these persons and loved ones. For this cause, the lottery can conceive an painful position for you and you may not have had to make such significant conclusions and choices. This could conceive an unhealthy and dejected state of brain for you that could finally lead to contradictory tendency. However, I would like to state that it is not triumphant the lottery that directs to persons committing suicide, but diverse socio-economic components and variables that are the genuine determinants of suicide. For example, if or not the one-by-one was struck as a progeny or if he/she came from a lone parent family are significant components that should be taken into account as they play a key function in forming a person's mind. The one-by-one could furthermore have been psychologically unstable in the first place. Therefore suicide can not be verified to be exactly associated to triumphant the lottery as the person's psychological state of brain before triumphant is a key determinant. Conclusion All in all, lottery winning will create troubles in your coming life. And you could be more irresponsible and unnecessary with your money than you must be. In the long run, the amount that you have won could be enormously

Friday, October 4, 2019

Buying a Computer Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Buying a Computer - Term Paper Example This paper intends to analyze two computers of similar ranges and decide on the best possible option for a particular user. Description of the Chosen Computers The two computers that have been selected to analyze prior to purchase are HP Pavilion p7-1515 Desktop PC and OptiPlex 3010 Desktop by Dell. Both these computers come below the range of US$800 and have certain attractive features in them. Both the personal computers are capable of performing various tasks and are quite user-friendly. Furthermore, both the products come from well known brands and have good brand value. The most important aspect of both the machines is that they will be quite affordable in terms of budget of people as they come at a reasonable price for buyers. Analysis of Both the Computers From the above observation, it has been noted that both the computers i.e. HP Pavilion p7-1515 Desktop PC and OptiPlex 3010 Desktop by Dell have certain attractive features that can draw people quite easily. However, it impo rtant to understand that features of any computer should be capable of fulfilling all the requirements of the users. Thus, it is vital to analyze both the machines and depict whether they would be able to meet the requirements of users or not. ... Furthermore, an in depth analysis of HP Pavilion p7-1515 Desktop PC suggests that the machine is inbuilt with Intel ® Coreâ„ ¢ i5-3470 (3.2 GHz ) and a supporting operating system of Microsoft Windows 8. The speed of the processor is 3.2 GHz which will allow users the opportunity to get work done at a considerable speed. The hard drive of the machine is 1 TB 7200 rpm SATA which is quite impressive for a machine that costs less than US$800. In addition to this, the optical drive of the computer has provides SuperMulti DVD burner that will enable users to perform tasks like reading data and listing to any sort of audio at a rapid speed. Moreover, the user will also get networking feature at 802.11b/g/n along with 4 USB 2.0 which will ensure a better working experience for them. Moreover, USB optical mouse and keyboard are also provided (HP, 2013). Subsequently, the software package that comes with this particular model will catch maximum attraction of people. The inbuilt software with the device includes software package of Norton Internet Security 2013 with an availability of 60-day subscription period among others. Moreover, Amazon Kindle e-reader, CyberLink PhotoDirector, HP Connected Remote along with Photo which is powered by Snapfish, Netflix, CyberLink PowerDVD among others are other pertinent and attractive software offerings. The price of the product is US$669 which is among the vital attractions of the product (HP, 2013). OptiPlex 3010 Desktop by Dell Similar to the above discussed product, OptiPlex 3010 Desktop by Dell also possesses similar sort of features that will attract users. The package can be purchased along with 17 inches Flat Panel monitor of Dell that ensures high quality view to the

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Consequences of Unethical Behavior Essay Example for Free

Consequences of Unethical Behavior Essay I had not heard of this until now, actually. Google paid their way out of CEO prosecution last year. Not only was their behavior unethical, and illegal, it was very socially irresponsible to the American people. Google was taking part in advertising narcotics and other prescription drugs for an illegal Canadian pharmacy on the American internet; making all of these drugs readily available to the American people. David Whitaker, a federal inmate and convicted con-artist became posed as an American government agent who went undercover to prove Google knew exactly what was going on. Google advertisement executives accepted the $200,000 worth of the government’s â€Å"set-up† money to begin advertising. Whitaker collected emails and recorded calls to prove that Google knew what they were doing were illegal. Even though it was obvious through the evidence to see that Google representatives knew that the advertisements were illegal, they extended Whitaker a â€Å"very generous credit line and allowed me to set my target advertising directly to American consumers. On August 24th, 2011, Google paid $500M dollars to pay their fines and avoid prosecution of their C. E. O. Larry Page. Through the emails and recordings, it is made obvious that Page knew exactly what was going on. Google was allowing illegal Canadian pharmacies to platform their ads on Google and target the American population. Google allowing American consumers to be targeted is absolutely outrageous. Google’s $500M fine covers the advertising costs and profits of the companies. The Department of Justice also has a â€Å"non-prosecution† agreement with Google. Now, what exactly is a â€Å"non-prosecution† agreement? To me, this all sounds like something illegal all the way around. How can a company, any company, buy their way out of prosecution? How can a C. E. O. not be classified as a drug peddler who well knows of what is going on within his company? How does this make him any different that Bernie Madoff or the Goldman Sachs C. E. O.? Google was allowing drugs to be sold through their network, period point blank; with the citizens of America being the target. How can a company buy their way out of prosecution? I just do not understand. If I was caught selling drugs, or giving people a platform to sell, I would be prosecuted to the fullest extent. Would I be able to buy my way out of prosecution? I absolutely would not! The American government would lock me away and take their sweet time about taking me to trial and finishing my case. Why was this not made more public? Now, it seems, Google is being looked into from every aspect, in which they should.

Link Between CSR and HRM

Link Between CSR and HRM Corporate social responsibility (CSR) prevails in the past four decades. A great number of companies embed CSR principles into their daily business practices. The CSR practices are always subject to debates. Some researchers agree with the benefits of CSR for organizations, whereas others question the nature of CSR and argue that it conflict with business profitability. Definition of CSR has been developed by various researchers; it varies in different context. World Business Council for Sustainable Development (1999 cited in Viljanen and Lahteenmaki, 2009) defined CSR as is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as the local community and society at large. Furthermore, CSR is defined as treating the stakeholders of the firm ethically or in a responsible manner (Hopkins, 2003, p.1, cited in Fenwick and Bierema, 2008). Similarly, in the study by Melynyte and Ruzevicius (2008), CSR was regarded to meet economic, social, environmental and ethical requirements of stakeholders. Moreover, Syed and Kramar (2008) cited the definition of CSR by EU: a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with stakeholders on a voluntary basis. Based on the definition by previous researchers, the author understands CSR from three aspects: 1) Voluntary actions. 2) Concerns of stakeholders, local community and society. 3) The economic, ethical, social and environmental (positive) impacts of business operations. Melynyte and Ruzevicius (2008) summarized CSR activities on the basis of previous research, including ensuring staffs health and safety at work, developing equal rights, providing continuous trainings, being responsible for consumers and customers, decreasing negative impact in environment, generating ecological products and services as well as participating in society activities. In this paper, the author will illustrate two points of views: HRM should be linked to CSR; such a link is still realistic in the current tough economic climate. Both of standpoints are explained on the basis of different perspectives and arguments in previous literature. Part Two: Link between HRM and CSR 2.1 literature debates In this part, four debates are identified, namely, feasibility of such link versus impossibility, classical views versus stakeholder theory, benefits from CSR actions versus CSR without returns, as well as soft HRM versus hard HRM. Winstanley et al (1996) indicated that ethical concerns, such as job insecurity and insufficient regard for the autonomy of staff, should be expressed when criticizing contemporary HRM; it is also important that HR professionals engage with ethical issues. However, some researchers think that the ethical treatment of employees is impossible. Claydon (2000) explained it on the basis of the Marxist perspective on capital and labour relations. He thought that fundamental contradiction exists between capital and labour, so it is impossible to make working conditions more ethical. In addition, Legge (2000)- from the perspective of utilitarianism- indicated that even though it is likely that ethical HRM will be found among the core workers, it is difficult to be found among sub-contracted or agency workers. The study by Friedman (1970 cited in Greenwood, 2002) suggested that business has sole responsibility of making profit for its shareholders and should maximize its profits. He believed that the social responsibility is fundamentally contrary to the principle of free-market economy. This classical view emphasized the sole benefit of shareholders, which was related to ethical egoism; it implies that corporations should pay little attention to building CSR into management system. This classical view was countered by stakeholder theory, which not only presents a conceptual framework of analysis of HRM (Ferrary, 2009), but also offers corporations a new way of thinking organizational responsibilities (Jamali, 2008). The stakeholder theory was defined by Freeman (1984) that managers have a responsibility to attend to all who has a stake in organizations. Similarly, Greenwood and Cieri (2007: 128) indicated managers must act in the interests of stakeholders and management must engage stakeholders in decision-making. Freeman (1984) also gave the definition of stakeholder as any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of organization objectives, consisting of shareholders, employees, customers and suppliers. In addition to traditional interest groups, local communities and environment- regarded as silent stakeholders- should be included (Simmons, 2004 cited in Jamali, 2008). This theory suggested that corporations should turn attention to considerations beyond direct profit maximization, because the needs of shareholders cannot be met without satisfying to some degree the needs of other stakeholders (Jamali, 2008). Since employees are regarded as key stakeholders, corporations must be responsible for staff and take them into consideration to large extent in managerial decision making. It implies that HRM should be linked to CSR. Papasolomou et al (2005) illustrated CSR actions to employees, such as building family-friendly work environment, sharing information with staff, offering equal reward and pay, administering diversity management in terms of selection and promotion, providing training and long-term development to all staff as well as encouraging staff engaging in social activities. Moreover, some researcher (such as Friedman) emphasized that companies should put the profit object first (Woodall and Winstanley, 2000), so CSR actions are minimized. It seems that primacy of the profit motive becomes a primary reason why researchers and managers oppose to connect HRM with CSR or minimize CSR activities. Some researchers questioned whether the company can obtain returns when adopting CSR initiatives (Heugens and Dentchev, 2007). On the contrary, many researchers hold that CSR can offer potential profits and improve long-term corporate profitability. Brammer et al (2007) indicated that it pays off when HRM is linked with CSR, on the ground that CSR is beneficial to the attraction, retention and motivation of employees. Similarly, Bohdanowicz and Zientara (2008) considered that corporations can get payoff in the long run if they treated ethically to employees. In addition, CSR play a critical role in enhancing employees job satisfaction and further organizational comm itment, both of which affect employees performance and workplace behavior (turnover and workplace deviation). Melynyte and Ruzevicius (2008) also hold similar views: the combination of CSR and HRM does indirect positive influence to the organizations financial results through influencing staffs morale, job motivation and loyalty to organizations. Furthermore, in the study by Michie and Sheehan-Quinn (2001 cited in Viljanen and Lahteenmaki, 2009), soft HRM approach, named as high-road HRM, regards employees as resource, which is valuable to continuously develop, and makes efforts to increase employee commitment. On the contrary, hard HRM, called as low-road HRM, is lack of organization promise to job security and pay little attention to the staff training. It seems that soft HRM advocate HRM should be linked to CSR whereas hard HRM do not take CSR into account. However, Legge (1995) indicated that even though some corporations make a display of soft HRM, it is hard in reality. 2.2 HRM should be linked with CSR On the basis of analysis of previous academic debates, the author personally supports that HRM should be linked to CSR. It will be explained from four aspects. Above all, it is possible to integrate HRM with CSR, although some writers explained the impossibility of this kind of integration (as mentioned above, Claydon and Legge). In the study by Vuontisjarvi (2006), sub-themes of CSR, which refer to the integration of CSR and HRM, were identified: training and development, employee involvement, job security, employee health and well-being, equal opportunities, work-life balance and diversity management. Many corporations took on a series of HRM practices which is linked with the principle of CSR. In the case of PSA Peugeot Citroen, which is a famous French car manufacturer, diversity management was adopted. This company not only sought diversity workforce through recruiting a ration of non-French employees and secondary school graduates in the local city, but also ensure the equal treatment of each staff and non-discrimination. In 2003, the company recruited 129 non-French employees (including 45 women), who are in position of engineers and managers, which account for 10% of new staff. In addition, age issue also was taken into consideration. In 2003, 60% of new staff were younger than 30; 13% of new staff were older than 40. Furthermore, all employees had equal rights to be informed what vacancies are available because all the information was publicized on the company intranet. Further measures also include offering apprenticeships to people who were difficult to find job. (Syed an d Kramar, 2008) In addition to PSA Peugeot Citroen, many cases- such as retraining programme offered to staff by Deutsche Bank in the climate of redundancy (Syed and Kramar, 2008)- prove the feasibility of integration of CSR and HRM practices. Secondly, according to stakeholder theory, firms not only meet the requirements of shareholders but also satisfy employees. A series of responsible HRM practices- such as work-life balance (offer female employee childcare support or flexible working time) as well as initiatives mentioned above- meet the requirements of staff. Moreover, in addition to money, employees are also provided the the feeling of meaningfulness and possibility to take responsibility for quality of future generations life (Melynyte and Ruzevicius, 2008). That companies offer chance to staff to join social activities meet the psychological needs of employees. Given these reasons, HRM should be linked with CSR. Thirdly, the issue of business profitability becomes the bones of contention. Some researchers refuse to build CSR into HRM practices because of consideration of the corporation profits. However, a lot of research (as mentioned above) indicates that potential profits can be obtained if companies effectively incorporate CSR rules into HRM practices. In the case of Scandic (Bohdanowicz and Zientara, 2008), a famous hotel in Scandinavia, CSR was embedded into HRM, which is a part of Omtanke programme. Scandic strives for treating equally all staff. For instance, when the company planed to design new working clothes, different nationalities of employees were taken into consideration. As a result, headband, a part of uniform, is not compulsory to wear. Moreover, all staff were congregated to discuss what CSR actions to community should be adopted. Employees were offered opportunities of information sharing as well as rights of participation of decision-making. In addition, with regard to employee health, the hotel propagated the information about cancer to employees in the form of lectures; the company also assisted staff to quit smoke through offering guidance. Scandic showed that the firm indeed cared for its staff by implementing these initiatives (equal treatment, information sharing as well as health of employees). The outcome of this study revealed that these responsible HRM practices were beneficial to enhancement of employees job satisfaction (employees feel that they are cared), thereby affecting work performance and behavior. As a result, employees performance well, namely offering the high quality of service for customers and the turnover has decreased, all of which are regarded as potential profits of corporation. Therefore, CSR principles should be integrated into HRM practices because it benefits for company by improving job satisfaction, enhancing organizational commitment, advancing employees performance and decreasing the turnover. Finally, even if CSR is sometimes described as window-dressing, it actually helps corporations to establish good image and reputation, which is conducive to HRM. The company who takes CSR measures is more attractive to candidates (Greening and Turban, 2000, cited in Brammer et al). In modern times, CSR has become the trend, potential employees, especially new graduates, prefer to work in the corporation which has strong social responsibility and good reputation. Likewise, Bohdanowicz and Zientara (2008) indicated that socially responsible company can more likely attract and retain employees who care about green issues. In addition, since the company which integrates HRM with CSR advertises the equal treatment and non-discrimination during recruitment and promotion, potential staff are more likely to apply for this kind of company. Therefore, CSR help the corporation to have competitive edge over other firms which pay little attention to CSR initiatives during recruitment Furthermore, employees are always proud of working in socially responsible firm which has good reputation, thereby they have more loyalty and commitment to the organization, which makes employees stay longer in this company (Bohdanowicz and Zientara 2008). In the case of Babyfood which is famous for socially and environmentally responsible food company, a good reputation is considered as the primary factor enhancing staffs loyalty and motivation. The research show that although employees satisfaction is not pronounced compared with other food companies, and salaries are even lower than average in this industry, staff are still willing to work in this company due to its good reputation. Babyfoods rate of turnover is 20% lower than food industry average. (Lamberti and Lettieri, 2009) In sum, Since CSR, leading to good image of company, is beneficial to recruitment and retaining of employees, CSR should be embedded into HRM. Additional advantages of integration of HRM and CSR were identified in the study of Melynyte and Ruzevicius (2008): establishing partnership environment, increasing customers satisfaction and trust as well as attracting external investments. All in all, HRM should be linked to CSR because of its feasibility and positive effectiveness. 2.3 Links between HRM and CSR HRM refer to the issues in people management and treatment of employees; many CSR approaches stress the significance of meeting the requirements of employees who are regarded as key stakeholder. Therefore, how to deal with employees becomes a key point when analyzing the link between HRM and CSR. In addition, Syed and Kramar (2008) indicated that the integration of HRM and CSR can be achieved when they get support from employers, investors as well as institutions. Melynyte and Ruzevicius (2008) reviewed previous research about links between HRM and CSR and then summarized three forms of links. 1) CSR functions identical to HRM functions (interdependent link). 2) HRM functions making impact on CSR (SR activities emerging from HRM). 3) CSR functions making direct or indirect impact on HRM (how SR activities make impact on HRM). The first one includes removing child and enforced labor, establishing healthy and safe work environment, safeguard individual rights, offering job security, producing the process of justice, ensuring equal treatment of staff and diversity management, designing reasonable and flexible working hours (e.g. holiday time and work at night) as well as equal pay and welfare benefits. Secondly, HRM functions can influence CSR. Many practices can be identified. a) HR manager can plan and initiate CSR activities, such as mobilizing employees to recycle paper. b) The process of recruitment, selection and dismissal can be judicial and transparent. c) Managers share information with employees and staff participate in decision-making. d) When companies are faced with changes, HR manager still need to take social responsibility into consideration and ensure staff rights. e) Corporations provide continuous training to employees. f) Employers strive for meeting staff needs, such as addressing the issue of work-life balance and providing medical insurance. Finally, CSR functions also influence HRM. For example, while recruiting, CSR activities are advertised in order to attract competent candidates. In addition, social responsibility issues are introduced to staff. Moreover, employees engage in the CSR activities initiated by companies they work in. Furthermore, CSR can be used as an element of the system of appraisal, reward and promotion (Syed and Kramar, 2008). Part three: the link between HRM and CSR in the circumstance of global financial crisis In the current social-economic environment, global financial crisis is ongoing, thereby leads to mass restructuring and redundancies. A number of HR actions are conducted to react to the economic crisis. Many debates about CSR or ethics and HRM emerge. Based on different perspectives in precious research, the author will explain her own view: in the climate of global financial crisis the link between HRM and CSR is still realistic. Mankelow (2008) indicated that responsible HRM are adopted because employees are regarded as key resource to maintain competitive edge in market. The purpose of CSR actions to employees is to improve work efficiency and increase business profitability. It implies that although the importance of CSR is admitted, it after all services for the business profits and is inferior to the significance of corporation benefits. In the current financial crisis, it is no doubt that companies fight with survival firstly and CSR may be neglected. In addition, He suggested that socially responsible activities to staff are subject to certain conditions. It seems that CSR should base on appropriate economic conditions; it is a challenge to connect CSR with HRM in the face of tough economic environment (Mankelow, 2008). Although the link between HRM and CSR is questioned in current environment (can company can afford CSR in global financial crisis? Or CSR should be subject to business benefit, and the current condition does not permit the implementation of CSR), some researchers indicate the possibility that CSR is embedded into HRM in the environment of financial crisis. For example, In the study by Jones et al (2000), good image and reputation, established through CSR actions and other initiatives, can protect corporations from the decline of market in the chaotic economic environment; the stock price of firms with good image fall less than those without good reputation. Schnietz and Epstein (2005) held a similar view. Therefore, CSR is conducive to financial performance even in such tough circumstance. Furthermore, some researchers consider that it is costly to embed CSR principles into HRM practices. For instance, many employers are unwilling to notify downsizing plans in advance, which is a responsible HRM practice, on the ground that the productivity will decrease, employee will lose morale and turnover increase, all of which is costly (Leana and Feldman, 1992, cited in Forde et al, 2009). On the contrary, Hopkins and Hopkins (1999, cited in Forde et al, 2009) suggested that advance notification virtually minimize the costs, because it alleviates the pressure of post-layoff through retraining employees and offering counseling. It implies that some actions comprising CSR principles can be helpful to cost-saving. In current climate of global financial crisis, redundancy and restructuring is inevitable. However, it does not mean that the link between HRM and CSR is unrealistic. Socially responsible restructuring is identified, which embed CSR principles into restructuring. It was defined as the use of one or more approaches to consciously take into account the interest of all the organizations stakeholders- managers, owners/shareholders, workers, as well as the large community (International Labour Organization, 2002, cited in Forde et al, 2009). Since restructuring and redundancies are also parts of HRM functions (Redman and Wilkinson, 2001), socially responsible restructuring can be regarded as special integration of HRM and CSR in special economic circumstance. Forde et al (2009) proposed that- from the perspective of business case- socially responsible restructuring are implemented because it can be beneficial to the competitiveness of company. However, Heller (2009 cited in Forde et al, 2009) argued that with the intensity of global financial crisis and increases of redundancy, fewer corporations take up socially responsible restructuring. In fact, Legislation and labor market policies are enacted and implemented to advance companies to adopt socially responsible restructuring measures. For example, Trade Adjustment Assistance Act is used to promote social accountability when redundancy and layoff increase (Office of the US Trade Representative, 2009, cited in Forde et al, 2009). Therefore, with the support of legislation and government policies, the link between HRM and CSR is realistic even if it is faced with deepening economic crisis. Viljanen and Lahteenmaki (2009) analyzed different HR reactions to global financial crisis from two HRM philosophies: hard and soft. Hard HRM is in pursuit of maximal short-term saving and obtain cost efficiency by direct personnel cuts. On the contrary, soft HRM seek for the maintenance of business in the long run. The HR actions according to this kind of approach include dismiss employees temporarily, implementing pension plans as well as offering support to staff in the face of redundancy (such as outplacement services and retraining). Legge (2005 cited in Forde et al, 2009) concluded that in order to seek for profits, companies are forced to take hard HRM actions, such as direct personnel cuts. Moreover, collapsed market also compels employers to strive for cost-saving by directly cutting headcounts of employees. It seems that HRM actions easily turn hard in the circumstance of global financial crisis. It is indeed a challenging for company not only to strive for survival in tough environment and make the balance of short and long term profits, but also to maintain its good reputation and performance reliable employer. Although these activities appear to be hard in common situation, when they are located in the climate of economic crisis, HRM seems not to be hard. It is possible to integrate CSR with HRM during global financial crisis. (Forde et al, 2009) It is impossible that companies can meet requirements of all stakeholders (including shareholders and employees). In the tough economic environment, what firm can do is to strive for minimizing the loss of benefits of all stakeholders and avoid direct personnel cut (hard HRM). Therefore, CSR can play a potential role in restructuring, on the ground that socially responsible restructuring minimize negative influence of layoffs and redundancy. whilst at present we do not have a viable CSR tool for the successful anticipation and management of corporate change, there are a range of possibilities for connecting restructuring to CSR (Forde et al, 2009). It affirms the viability of the link between HRM and CSR. Indeed, considering that in the environment of financial crisis CSR is beneficial to financial performance, that some actions comprising CSR principles can minimize the costs and that socially responsible restructuring are promoted by legislation and government policies, it is realistic and feasible to integrate HRM with CSR in current economic environment. Three case studies will be illustrated to prove that such link is possible in the face of tough economic environment. In the case study of steel industry in the UK (Corus and ASW), previous to the declaration of layoffs, both Corus and ASW offer high level of training which enhances the employability of employees and help them adapt to changing environment. In addition, ASW held a formal meeting to notify employees in advance that company will lay off staff because of unstable financial situation. During the period of announcement of layoffs, Corus did not put layoff planes into action immediately. Instead, it offered 90-day consultation time. Moreover, in the period of implementation of layoffs, companies establish equitable criteria to choose employees who should be laid off. At Corus plants, workers who were voluntary to leave were hunted prior to the adoption of compulsory redundancy; early retirement schemes were implemented, namely employees, in the age of fifty and above, can retire early with sufficient pension. Furthermore, Corus offer criteria for the selection of redeployment. In addition , many support activities were administered, such as offering information about job opportunities and career advice, providing retraining programme as well as offering counseling. Deutsche Bank also did well in combining CSR with HRM practices in the climate of restructuring. Many HRM actions were devised to help staff whom the bank laid off to find another job. Vocational retraining and job coaching (e.g. advice for job applications) were offered. Staff were redeployed by internal temporary work agency. Both internal (e.g. HR advisers) and external counseling were provided. In addition, the bank also offer part-time working and have outplacement activities (Syed and Kramar, 2008). Another case is Hotel Villa Magna-Park Hyatt. In 2007, the hotel implement redecoration programme which lasted for 14 months rather than lay off employees. The company showed that it truly care for staff by providing chances for employees to participate in all activities (Bohdanowicz and Zientara, 2008). In a sense, the integration of HRM and CSR is realistic by insert CSR principles into redundancy and restructuring, even though it is different from the responsible HRM practices in normal circumstance (such as job security and work-life balance). Part Four: conclusion In this research, the author demonstrated that HRM should be linked to CSR. It was explained with references to academic debates from four aspects. Firstly, such link is feasible on the ground of reality that responsible HRM actions are actually adopted by many companies. Secondly, according to stakeholder theory, corporations should strive for meeting the requirement of all stakeholders (including shareholders and employees). CSR actions can meet the psychological needs of employees. Next, the integration of HRM and CSR can bring about potential profits by improving job satisfaction, enhancing organizational commitment, advancing employees performance and decreasing the turnover. Finally, CSR is conducive to establishment of good reputation of companies, thereby help employers recruit and retain employees. In addition, socially responsible restructuring is regarded as the special links between HRM and CSR in such tough economic climate. The researcher also proposed that such link is still realistic in the current climate of restructuring and redundancies on the ground that it helps companies set up better reputation, which can alleviate the economic loss of firms in collapsed market, that it can be beneficial to cost-saving in the face of redundancy and that it is supported by legislation and government policies. Although restructuring and redundancy are considered as hard HRM actions, such link seems to be soft in current tough climate.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Economics of the Automobile Industry Essay -- Vehicle Car Economy

A vehicle is one of the biggest purchases a person will ever make. Over the years, the prices of an automobile have increased due to the rise of inflation. Due to a price index, the price of an automobile changes over a certain period of time. Economists compare averages of automobiles to calculate the cost of each vehicle that presents itself on a car lot. When all of the above is calculated within the purchase of an automobile, it affects every area of making the automobile to selling the automobile. All of these factors are impacted together for the automobile industry as a whole. In the automobile industry, there are factors that cause a shift in the supply and price elasticity of the supply and demand. These factors can cause the supply demand to reduce or raise the demand for the automobiles. One factor to consider is if the price of steel rises. Automobile manufacturers will then produce fewer automobiles at all different price levels and the supply curve will then shift. Another factor to consider is if automobile workers decide to go on strike for higher wages. The company will be forced to pay more for labor to build the same number of automobiles. The supply of these automobiles will decrease. Lastly, another factor that can curve a shift in the supply curve could be if the government imposes a new tax on car manufacturers. In all of those cases, the supply curve will move because the quantity supplied is lower at all price levels. As the supply curve moves in the automobile industry, the equilibrium price and quantity sold will change with this shift. When the automobile manufacturers see this shift in supply, they will then raise their prices and the quantity sold will fall. Car manufacturers will also develop... ...asticity of Demand. Retrieved December 3, 2011, from Mason, P. (1998, June). Race, cognitive ability, and wage. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from O'Sullivan, A., & Sheffrin, S. (2005). Economics. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Spatz, J., & Nennenkamp, P. (2002, January). Globalization of the automotive industry-traditional locations under pressure. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from The Social Studies Help Center (n.d.). Monetary and Fiscal Policy. Retrieved November 5, 2011, from Whitehead, J. (2006, May 8). Price elasticity of demand. Retrieved December 3, 2011, from